Wasting Time in Excitement After Achieving a Little.

We all feel excited after some achievement. Usually when we start a project, we can become super-excited after completing each mini-stage of this project. This feeling of delight is an important encouragement for us. But this same feeling is also responsible for killing our progress. This state of temporary excitement assures us that we have done our work, and this assurance can prevent us from remaining vigilant and active for further progress. Therefore, we need to realize that whatever good comes to us is only from Allah (Surah An-Nahl, verse 53) and that we should thank Allah for that gift and move forward with progress. Gratitude increases blessings and goodness for us as stated in the Qur’an (Surah Ibrahim, verse 7). Therefore, realizing that it was not our personal talent, but rather Allah’s grant that we achieved something accompanied with thanking Allah will help us progress further, while simply being over-joyed for unreasonably long amounts of time will hamper progress.

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