Prison for Some, Paradise for Others

This worldly life is a prison for the Muslims, while it is a paradise for non-Muslims. This is because Muslims have to follow certain restrictions. They cannot eat pork, drink wine, commit adultery, cheat, deal with financial interest, etc. etc. So there are restrictions and the Muslim needs to think before each step that he takes. The non-Muslim however is free to do whatever he likes. He can fulfill his desires, although within his limitations. But still, he is much more free than a Muslim. He can do anything he wishes and doesn’t have to give it a deep thought before actually doing it.

However, this patience for the Muslim is so worth it. This life is so temporary and so short, that these 40, 50, 70, or even 100 years pass in the blink of an eye. And then it’s party time for the believer forever, while the worst possible real-time forever nightmare for the non-Muslim. After this patience, the Muslim will Insha’Allah fulfill his desires endlessly and realize that all his efforts were not only worth the wait, but nothing compared to what he waited for.

The realization of this extremely temporary life, however, has an extreme advantage. The Muslim can easily handle and tackle tough situations, knowing that all this is going to end. So sometimes, when we are nervous to do certain things tomorrow, thinking about how life will eventually end helps us to get the tough things done easily. Additionally, there is another advantage. Patience with certain things sometimes eases within this worldly life also. For example, someone sick may eventually get healthy. Muslims also eat tasty food after being hungry during fasting. Muslims also get married after being patient as a single person. So as for the Muslims, its a win-win situation or at the very least, an ultimately winning situation. So remember, patience is definitely worth it!

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