Everything is Haraam (prohibited) in Islam ??

Why is Islam such a conservative religion? Why are there so many limitations? Why is wine prohibited? Why is pork prohibited? Why is adultery prohibited? Why does everything seem to restrictive and prohibited?

Here are a few more questions. Why does one have to follow a strict schedule in the army? Why does one have to get up at a particular time, wear a particular uniform, train a particular way? Why is everything else prohibited once you enter the army? Why is crossing the red signal prohibited once you enter the road? Why is driving in the opposite lane prohibited? Why is over-speeding prohibited? Why is misbehaving as a guest in someone else’s house prohibited? Why is sleeping in their bedroom so restrictive? Why is breaching their privacy so restrictive?

Everything in this universe is achieved by following laws and rules that put restrictions. Anything ever achieved was achieved through rules and restrictions. The only reason the army has restrictions is because they have to defend a territory or country. If they slack, the defense of the country is at stake. The only reason the traffic on the road runs smoothly is because of the traffic rules. Otherwise cars would go crashing into each other or create a traffic jam. Just imagine a traffic junction without traffic signals. Similarly, our education takes us through different levels in order to achieve a goal of becoming a doctor, engineer etc. We study gradually, passing through different classes. Anything in this universe is achieved by laws. The entire human body runs on laws, the digestive systems has laws, the circulatory system has laws. The entire universe and the planets run on rules that govern how they will move in their orbits. The gravity has a particular value on each planet. If the gravity had random values, we would be jumping around differently on different parts of the earth, and probably even be thrown out into the space on some parts of this earth. The cycles of day and night come through rules and so do the seasons.

Thus, rules help achieve goals. A person living a haphazard life achieves nothing. Thus, Islam also wants its followers to achieve the success of this world and the hereafter. For this purpose, it has set up rules. These rules make sure that Muslims can, by following them, achieve and establish the system of justice on this earth in every aspect of life, be it political, economical, social or whatever other system. Rules against adultery protect the diginity of humans. Economic rules help alleviate poverty, while social rules help establish a peaceful society. Islam wants to establish this kingdom of Allah on earth and for that, it has put these rules.

Then why does it seem that Islam is a really restrictive, backward religion? There can be many reason for this. The media is what portrays Islam as such. And the viewers accept everything blindly. We need to think about what we’re being told, instead of accepting everything without thinking. Why then were we even gifted this thing called the brain? Also, the Muslims as well as the non-Muslims should become research-based people. We should study and research instead of solely depending upon the views of others. Another reason could be that we’re not far-sighted. We accept that a fire burns because it burns instantly but we fail to see the long-term benefits of Islam in the fields of economy, society, politics etc. as well as its ultimate results in the life to come after death. So think, O Muslim, do you want to become the enemy of the very religion you identify yourself with?

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