Linguistic Miracle of The Quran, Part 4: Walk with the Right Pace

In English, we have varying degrees for certain words which is understood by us. So we may say that something is big, large, huge, gigantic, or even colossal. We internally understand the slight differences in their meanings. Similarly, I’ll share with you how The Qur’an amazingly uses the words for proceeding ahead in a very context-appropriate way. stroll, walk, jog, run, race, running for your life.

Although the translations may not give full justice, I have attached a video with complete walkthrough and proof. It would be useful to see this video for complete satisfaction on this topic.

  1. Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Travel throughout the land and see how He originated the creation, then Allah will bring it into being one more time. Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything. (29:20)
  2. He is the One Who smoothed out the earth for you, so move about in its regions and eat from His provisions. And to Him is the resurrection ˹of all˺. (67:15)
  3. O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew. (62:9)
  4. And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those mindful ˹of Allah˺. (3:133)
  5. ˹So˺ compete with one another for forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers…. (57:21)
  6. So ˹proclaim, O Prophet˺: “Flee to Allah! I am truly sent by Him with a clear warning to you. (51:50)

See how the word for “proceeding” or “walking” is gradually increasing in intensity. The translations may not do justice but kindly see the attached video for explanations.

See how each time, the word used is appropriate to its context and builds are mindset to how we should think about and prioritize our life goals. I will summarize the results briefly here. We begin by slowly strolling around the earth for the purpose of looking at Allah’s creations. A little more effort is told to made for “eating from his provisions” which points towards making money, and working hard. Moving toward the remembrance of Allah on Friday should be made more “diligently”. And moving towards Allah’s forgiveness and paradise must be done in a hasty way and we should compete with each other. Finally, our mindset is being build to move the fastest, rather rush towards Allah. SubhanAllah !!!! How Perfect is Allah!!! How could one keep a perfect track of the intensity of words !!

THUS, it’s amazing that The Qur’an has such an intricate usage of word placements and pays so much attention to detail and context, all the while building our mindset. In our daily lives, we may not care how we speak. But The Qur’an even took care of this precise word selection according to the context. The Qur’an was revealed over about a period of 23 years and never changed across 14 centuries and yet contains such a consistent and detailed selection of words. And in addition to that it contains other linguistic, scientific, numerical miracles etc. along with this depth of linguistic excellence as well!!

Note well that we try and visit career advisors, career counsellors, psychologists, and other experts to solve our “issues”. Look at how The Qur’an beautifully not only counsels us, but practically puts us on the right track by actually building the right mindset. The best counsellor.


Translations are taken from

Video and proof of this miracle:

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