3 Shocking Reasons Not To Supplicate To Other than Allah !!

Dua also known as supplication also known as calling something or someone in the unseen for help. These three terms mean one and the same thing. At least as I’m going to use them. I am presenting three clear reasons as to why supplication cannot be done to anyone or anything other than Allah: In…


Surah An-Naas is the last chapter (chapter 114) of The Holy Qur’an in it’s book sequence. Let us take a look at an amazing linguistic miracle of this chapter. The translation of the chapter is as follows: ” 1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, 2. The Sovereign of mankind, 3. The…

The Decider: Your Habits and Character

Your Habits put you down. Your habits raise you high. If you acquire and practice bad habits and characteristics such as arrogance, greed, jealousy, bad behaviour, shouting etc., you will see life becoming difficult for your own self, not only for others. If you surround your personality with good characteristics such as gentleness, approachability, kindness,…

Taking Care of Yourself Is Taking Care of Others

Have you ever been tricked into thinking that helping others means forgetting myself and just focusing on others? However, in reality, helping ourselves is part of helping others. Here’s how. When we get up in the morning, brush our teeth, clean our face, wear fresh clothes, put perfume, etc., We are actually presenting a good…

The Good Imbalance

A balanced life offers no challenge and thus no chance to grow. Therefore, it is the imbalances in life that make a big man. Learn to deal with and learn from imbalances in life to grown and prosper. This is because a child only learns to balance himself on a bike one’s he experiences the…

Trivial Opportunities

Sometimes we easily shrug off the small opportunities that come our way. This may be a small free meal that we are receiving. Or it may be a small job offer that we are being offered. We should remember that it is eventually the small bricks that make the big house. We should not try…

Up or Down

Going up requires energy in order to over-ride gravity. Coming down requires no effort. Therefore, to grow in life, you must put in the hard yards. It’s as simple as that. Although things will get easier, just as inertia makes them, you still need to put in some effort. For coming down takes nothing: just…

Riding the Tide, Stretching the Rubber Band, Becoming a Pearl!

Anything attached to an extremely pulled rubber band will fly far and high when the rubber band is released. If the rubber band is not stretched enough, it does fly far enough. Likewise, problems that we face in our life give us an opportunity to grow, develop and become stronger and fly higher and further….

Understanding Others can Help us Remove Hate for Them

Seeing everything from our personal point of view can lead us to hate other unendingly. We can easily remove this hate by simply imagining and understanding what the other person feels and thinks like. This can help us understand their situation and our hatred can turn into sympathy. Additionally, understanding them can help us help…

Different Points of View

When we do anything, make any decision etc., a major contribution in that is how we see things from our own point of view. And every person has their own personalized points of view based on their genetic make-up, their environment, their brought-up, their past experiences, their interests, their activities, their knowledge etc. Therefore, it…