A Poem: You Knew You Could Have Done It

You knew you could have done itBut you let the morning laze burn it You should have rested a bit at noonBut you kept pushing till late afternoon Now you’re bound to be tired in the eveningAnd the night prayer becomes difficult to pray with meaning So its best to push with moderacy at the…

The Decider: Your Habits and Character

Your Habits put you down. Your habits raise you high. If you acquire and practice bad habits and characteristics such as arrogance, greed, jealousy, bad behaviour, shouting etc., you will see life becoming difficult for your own self, not only for others. If you surround your personality with good characteristics such as gentleness, approachability, kindness,…

Rules are Made by Allah

God (Allah) Himself by definition is uncreated and therefore there is no question about Him being created by someone else. However, when we as humans start to think about the rules that govern our universe, it’s easy to imagine that everything has a cause. Applying that rule to Allah doesn’t work. But what we need…

Motivational Ideas (Part 26)

Helping others is the way we help ourselves. Intention is important in what we do. We should try to do everything to please Allah, get paradise and avoid Allah’s punishment. Tough times and places make a real man out of us. They give us real skills, knowledge and courage. Expect the best from Allah and…