Surah An-Naas is the last chapter (chapter 114) of The Holy Qur’an in it’s book sequence. Let us take a look at an amazing linguistic miracle of this chapter.

The translation of the chapter is as follows: ” 1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, 2. The Sovereign of mankind, 3. The God of mankind, 4. From the evil of the retreating whisperer – 5. Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind – 6. From among the jinn and mankind”.

These verses can be divided into the first three verses and the last three verses.

The first three verses all refer to Allah as the Lord, Soereign and God. However, if we reflect on the meanings of the words themselves, we realize that every household and organization has a Lord, someone who maintains, provides and protects that household. So there are many ‘Rabb’ or Lords. The Arabic word is Rabb for Lord which has many meanings including maintainer, protector, provider etc. In the second verse, the word is sovereign, a king. And we know that a king rules over a large territory. So there are fewer kings compared to the ‘Lords’. And finally, we have the word God and there is only one God, Allah. So the progression goes from more to lesser to least.

In the last three verses, the order is flipped. The fourth verse mentions a single whisperer. The fifth verse mentions the whispering into the breasts of mankind. The humanity is way more than a whisperer. And finally, verse six mentions jinns and mankind combined together. So the progression here is from least to more to most.

So in short, we have this beautiful literary structure which resembles a funnel becoming narrower for the first three verses and then the funnel becoming wider for the last three verses.

SubhanAllah (How Perfect is Allah). The miracle is: 1. This chapter gives a complete, well-structured message of one seeking protection. 2. And at the same time, there is this beautiful funnel constricting and expanding structure. 3. And at the same time, these verses have remained unchanged for the last 1400 years. No one edited these verses since the last 14 centuries in order to intentionally create such structures.


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